Rescue a Family. Keep Someone Warm

In cold climates like in East-Central Europe, poverty is amplified in winter as people struggle to survive the extra burden of heating costs. In Ukraine, people are even more vulnerable as the conflict makes electricity inconsistent, and heating systems not functional. For others, gas prices are completely unaffordable.
Winter is cold, and lives are too precious to leave someone struggling to survive the bitter weather.
Those who struggle the most are the elderly and those displaced by the war.
You can be the difference between survival and suffering!

Keeping Irina
"My name is Irina. I cannot return home to Kherson. It is too dangerous. For now, I will stay in Kremenets. I'm so grateful for the heater from MPI. It is helping me get through the winter."
Keep a Family Warm
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Irina's Story
Before the war, Irina lived in Kherson, in Eastern Ukraine. She came to Kremenets when the conflict began. Last summer, she decided to return home because she missed Kherson.
Before Christmas, she felt she had to come back to Kremenets. It was still too dangerous to live there. Civilians are often in the line of fire.
With the help of MPI donors, Water of Life Church in Kremenets helps her with food and winter heating needs (see photo to the right).
She is so grateful to everyone who has helped her. One day, as the ministry team was serving food to other displaced people outside, Irina spent hours cleaning the 2nd floor of the church
Irina is glad to be a part of the local church community where she has found love and care.