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Our Story

Together with our local partners, we work tirelessly to bring Rescue, Hope, and Purpose to people suffering in poverty and in need of the hope of Jesus Christ in the countries of East-Central Europe. 

Our goal is to minister to people the way Christ did by meeting not only their spiritual needs with the truth of the Gospel but also the deep physical and emotional needs that are acutely accentuated by war-induced trauma.

Our focus on unity and partnership provides the strength and resources needed to drive long-lasting, authentic life transformation. We know that we are better when we work together for a common goal and that the church of God CAN make a difference.

Whether it is giving out emergency supplies like food or blankets for the vulnerable, providing vital help for families in poverty, investing in sustainability projects, or advocating for the "boot-on-the-ground" ministers who serve people daily, everything we do makes a life-long impact on the lives of people in need and demonstrates the indescribable love of Jesus Christ

God has placed Mission Partners at a critical juncture in history. While the world is facing a growing confrontation between East and West, MPI is ministering to people in need. Together with our partners, we are ready to be used by God to accomplish His saving work.


Our vision and mission is clear. We are passionate about addressing the physical needs of people in poverty in East-Central Europe as war and crisis continue because of the ongoing war in Ukraine. While meeting these humanitarian needs, we remain steadfast in sharing hope in Christ as the eternal answer for such temporal darkness. 

Click on the "Who We Help" button below to about who MPI serves today!

To Learn More about MPI's Canadian Staff and Board Click on the button below

Canadian Head Office:

PO Box 35006 RPO Nelson Park, London ON N5W 5Z6  Tel: 1-877-551-5525

Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 88813 3394 RR0001

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