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How to Have a Living Faith! Taking Action

Writer's picture: Faith WoodsFaith Woods

MPIConnect Story Title Image

LIving Faith: Where Belief and Decision Unite text and a young boy with a candy

Have you ever woken up and thought to yourself, how does God want to work in my heart today? Or, how does God want to work in my heart today? Our busy lives leave little room for introspection. There are so many things clamoring for our attention. We get caught up in our routines, tasks, errands, work, and even our family. But I urge you to take just a moment and ask those questions of God.

One of my favorite books of the Bible is James. James is often read as a book about “works” like visiting widows and orphans (1:27), or feeding the poor (2:15). Chapter 2 verse 17 says that “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” But Paul says in Ephesians that our salvation comes by faith in Jesus alone (2:8-9). Is James adding something more here? Are good deeds a requirement for faith?

While we are saved by faith in Christ alone, the question James asks is: what kind of faith do we have? I believe that James is calling attention to something deeper than mere belief or even actions. Throughout this epistle, James digs at the heart condition of mankind. These scriptures expose the deepest part of our heart where belief and decision unite into either a true and living faith or something empty and meaningless. True faith leaves us no other option but to TAKE ACTION.

A heart continually postured in humility before God will value and act on God’s priorities. Actions have meaning as an expression of our faith because they speak in a very tangible, clear way about what is truly in our hearts. Is it pride, or love? Is it selfishness, or humility? Is it anger, or grace? Our actions, regardless of what we say about our belief or faith in God, always tell the true story.

God is looking for our “works,” because it is evidence of His transformative power changing us from the inside out. This is also how our faith impacts those around us. I don’t know about you, but I want the story of my life and my actions to clearly display love, humility, and grace. The faith I safeguard and treasure in my heart spurs me to keep taking action on behalf of the broken and the hurting.

War is an indiscriminate, destructive force. It doesn’t consider age, or socioeconomic status, or life choices. But my heart really breaks for what children have endured. It has left an indelible mark on the lives of Ukraine’s children. How many children have lost a parent or a home? How many families are still struggling with war-related poverty?

I want my actions to demonstrate what faith in God looks like. Whether it’s making sure kids have nutritious food to eat, giving them safe and warm places to sleep, or ensuring that they hear about Jesus, we will bring joy and hope to the lives of children wherever and whenever we can.

What kind of faith do you have? Do you look for opportunities to take action, as James says, for widows, orphans, and the poor? Has a living faith-filled your heart, compelling you to action for others? Have you left room for the question, “What does God want to do through me today?”

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Click the button below the picture to read a story about this vulnerable family with eight children and no indoor plumbing in Central Ukraine.

A Poor Family with several children in their standing in their yard

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