Want to Find Peace in Challenging Times? Even in the most difficult of circumstances, God is there. Through every challenge, He provides peace, joy, and safety for our heart.
Focus Verse:
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalms 4:8
What we Learn:
We live in one of the most challenging moments in recent history. The world feels unstable and filled with conflict and fear. Many are feeling the stress of this unpredictability, whether it’s economic pressure, political turbulence, or social and philosophical divides.
Do you want to find peace in challenging times? The good news is that God promised that He would carry us through even the most difficult of circumstances. Some of the most incredible and eloquent examples of God’s provision can be found in the life and writings of King David.
In Psalms chapters 3 and 4, we find King David’s response to one of the most difficult circumstances of his life. The back story behind these Psalms can be found in 2 Samuel 15.
David is facing a betrayal and insurrection from within his own family. His son, Absalom had turned the hearts of many people of Israel against David and wanted to take the throne from his father.
David fled Jerusalem with those loyal to him. This was not the first-time people had sought to destroy him, but his son’s betrayal must have been so painful.
Yet He says in Psalms 3:3-5 “But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the Lord, and He answered me from his holy hill. I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.”
After a life already filled with past difficulties and sorrows, even here, David was filled with an unshakable faith in God’s provision and protection. He didn’t just trust; he was at peace. Though entirely imperfect, as we all are, David knew that his peace came from a perfect, immovable, unchangeable, all-sustaining God.
David ends these beautiful chapters by saying he sleeps in peace trusting the Lord completely. “You have put more joy on my heart than they have in their wine and grain. vs7”
David understood that God was with him no matter how the situation seemed in the moment.
Things to Think About:
Do you deal with challenges that keep you awake at night, erode your faith, and steal your peace? How quickly we forget that in those moments God is more than capable of being our shield and the lifter of our head, as He was for David.
The same God who was able to fill David’s heart with joy and peace despite the circumstances he faced offers the same to you. Will you find peace in Him today?
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