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How Gifts of Compassion Feed Hungry People

Writer's picture: Faith WoodsFaith Woods
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Food is, without question, a necessity of human existence. We all need to eat. The other day, I was a little hungry and went into my kitchen. I looked in all the cupboards and then in the fridge. I had food, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to eat and I didn’t feel like making a big production out of cooking so I just walked out. I left hungry and unsatisfied.


Filling our cupboards these days has become financially challenging. Yet, despite the rising costs, you probably have food in your home. Maybe, like me, you’re frustrated because of the struggle to afford quality meals. But have you ever experienced what it is truly like to have no food at all?


Unfortunately, food insecurity is a reality that billions of people around the world face every day. I’ve seen with my own eyes the harsh reality of food insecurity in Ukraine today. Purchasing enough food to feed your family is incredibly challenging for all Ukrainians. For those who are displaced by war and have lost the means to grow food or earn a living, the situation is critical. They need help. They deserve better.


King Solomon had something to say about the difference between those who have plenty and those who don’t have enough. Proverbs 27:7 says this” One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.”


As human beings, we experience physical hunger. But we also have other needs, that when unfulfilled, also leave us feeling “hungry.” I am so grateful to God for the abundance in my life. I have plenty of food, a warm and stable home, and easy access to Biblical teaching and Christian community. Am I so “full” that I take those blessings for granted rather than responding with a thankful heart? How can I not share what God has given me with others whose needs are unfulfilled and whose hearts are empty?


So many Ukrainians are “hungry” today. My gratitude for God’s provision guides my heart to share what I have. Together we will provide food to fill empty stomachs and heal broken hearts. You can be the difference between starvation and survival, between fear and hope for someone. Your gifts of compassion will feed hungry people and demonstrate God’s love to those feeling wounded and broken. Will you join me in providing vital food and the hope of Christ to people in need?

Feeding Refugees at "The Social Hub" in Kremenets, Ukraine

Here is a short message from Pastor Alexey about how impactful it is when we provide food through the Social Hub in Kremenets.

Hello dear MPI friends! My name is Alexey. My wife Valentina and I are pastoring and serving people in Kremenets, Ukraine. Our town is in the region of Ternopil. We thank God for you, for your support, for your help, and for your loving and caring.
Together, we can do so many things to help people. Right now is a very difficult time in Ukraine. The war is bringing to Ukrainians lots of suffering and trouble every day. People are losing their lives, their families, their homes, and their jobs because of the war. It’s become like a black hole, eating everything.


But with your help, we can change people’s lives, the lives of Ukrainians. When you love and care by helping people, it is very important because, then, they understand that they are not alone. Together with you dear friends, dear Canadians, we can show God’s love for the refugees here in Kremenets. And God does love them.


As pastors who serve the people here, we see that many come with hearts open for Jesus Christ because we are giving out food at the social hub. This is the biggest victory in this war time. The food we give out with your support is showing people who God really is. It’s touching their hearts and they start thinking about God’s love and about God’s salvation.


This understanding is so important in their journey to opening their hearts for Jesus, helping them to understand that Jesus will be with them through this difficult time. Many are still searching for this kind of love. But together with you, we can do much more. Ukrainians can find real life again and they can receive new hope for eternity.


We are so grateful that you are standing with Ukrainians, supporting our friends and partners at Mission Partners International. We are a family, God’s family. And we are praying for you. We are praying for the staff at Mission Partners and for everyone who is partnering with and supporting Mission Partners International Canada.  We pray grace and mercy over you.

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