If I were to ask you this question, “What determines the future strength of a family or a community?” There may be multiple answers from different people, but I’m fairly certain that most would agree, “It’s the children, of course!” And you’re right. Our children and grandchildren are the ones who will carry on after we’re gone. For better or worse, they are a reflection of us. Sadly, and often to our frustration, they model what they see, not what we say.
As Christians, we should be a reflection of God to the world. But maybe we should ask ourselves: What exactly are we reflecting? Are we modelling Christ to the children in our care, as parents, grandparents, teachers or leaders? Are we faithfully sowing the love and Word of God into the next generation? Are we building up strong believers who will build the strong families of tomorrow? Are we connecting our future teachers, leaders, and government officials to the unchanging truth of the Gospel so that they in turn can do the same to the next generation?
Satan’s primary line of attack is often on families, especially children. He knows how important they are even more than we do. He knows that if he can get to the hearts and minds of the children, and make them lose faith in a good God, then maybe he can get them on a path that leads to ruin, brokenness, and ultimately destruction.
God created the family to be a safe place for children to learn, grow, and be taught about His love. But all around the world, I see families in crisis. For millions of children “family” does not mean a safe place. Even the “community” can be a frightening place where children are used or exploited.
In Ukraine, broken families, addictions, tragic childhood neglect, and abuse are rampant. We can give local leaders and churches the tools they need to reach the kids in their communities today. This is not just fun games, or a special snack. These kids desperately need a safe place to go with people they can trust. They need someone to model the love of Christ to them and teach them truth. These children are the future of Ukraine. Rescuing children and families is why we are there.
This month we are asking for you to invest into the lives of these children. With a gift of $26 you can supply one “Rescue Toolkit” containing age-appropriate evangelistic material, craft supplies and a healthy snack, including fruit. Each kit will be enough for one child to be reached weekly for about a month. Together, as the people of God, we can rescue these children and families!
