One of our core missions statements is to encourage North American Christians to understand the role of missions in their own lives, to teach people the power of missional living and to provide opportunities to build lasting kingdom partnerships that can change the world today.
MPI staff travel around North America to share our ministry, encourage North American believers, and bring the latest news from the overseas church.
There are several ways that you can connect with MPI in person. Browse our event options below and book one of MPI's speakers to meet with your group.
Event Booking Update
We are excited to once again be offering MPIConnect Events!
Mission Partners respects all current public health guidelines and in person gathering limitations. In light of conditions that continue to be in flux, we are excited to offer flexbile solutions for your group. We have multiple presentation and connection options to meet your needs. We can visit your church/group in person, schedule a small home group, meet via Zoom, send pre-recorded presentations, or live-stream to your location.
Making an Authentic Difference Everyday by Living True Missions
No CostBringing the World to Your Doorstep
No CostConnecting you to to a World that Needs Jesus
Free Will OfferingForming Partnerships Today that Change Lives Forever
Free Will Offering