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Mission : Gardens

Sustainable Food for Communities

woman and three young children stand inside a home
Ladies stir large bowls of food

With a terrible war tearing communities apart and disrupting the food supply in the country, food insecurity is a serious problem today. This adds to the already complex social issues like unemployment, depression, child abandonment, teen pregnancy, poor education, malnutrition, and substance abuse are all a part of this growing family poverty.


With thousands of families in crisis across Ukraine, we need to act swiftly to help children and their parents before it's too late. Children should not have to worry about whether they will eat today. Parents can be given tools and training to make use of resources they already have, like land, to feed themselves and even begin a small business that will feed others beyond their own family.


You can help communities can work together to increase sustainability, support each other and stay strong.

Your gift is an investment into the future of these families in poverty. With every gift, you are providing sustainable long-term solutions to this urgent problem. Each gift will help provide vital infrastructure and tools needed during the entire season like wheelbarrows, sprinklers and hoses, small greenhouses, and seeds.


Our key partners have already started on this year's greenhouse projects. See the new 2024 photos below. 

2024 Greenhouses & Gardens in Ukraine

Canadian Head Office:

PO Box 35006 RPO Nelson Park, London ON N5W 5Z6  Tel: 1-877-551-5525

Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 88813 3394 RR0001

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