Ukraine: A Country at War
Fighting a War with the Hope of Christ (Updated May 1st, 2024)

How We Are Rescuing Lives
Our humanitarian intervention this spring will center on ensuring that people have food to eat and are able to shelter in place safely. We are investing in projects like community gardens as well as traditional emergency food supplies.
We are helping several groups who are housing and feeding refugees These refugees, who are mostly women and children, have left everything behind. We have provided over 20,000 meals for refugees this year.
We have supplied agricultural tools such as greenhouses, tillers, and seedlings to a large community in central Ukraine that with our aid now has hundreds of vegetables growing that will feed people through a long winter with empty grocery stores.
We are providing much-needed food, clothing, and hygiene supplies to several partners in Ukraine as they meet the needs of displaced people and local residents struggling due to a massive wave of unemployment.
The Latest War Updates
The war continues into its 2nd year and shows no signs of ending. The strain of continuing the fight is weighing heavily on the Ukrainian people.
Families that have been separated by war are beginning to feel the strain of separation.
Many Ukrainian communities, along the eastern and southern front, are now occupied by Russian troops. They are slowly being rebuilt and being assimilated as Russian territory.
The Ukrainian government is actively looking for ways to raise more fighting men by lowering the conscription age, changing exemption rules, and enticing fighting-age men to return to Ukraine.
Refugee housing stays at capacity even as many Ukrainians leave Ukraine and Poland for other destinations. Housing is always at capacity. This trend is expected to continue as cities along the eastern front, such a Kharkiv become completely unlivable.
Churches around Ukraine continue to serve those impacted by this war, and they continue to stand united in reaching the lost and broken.